Aerial LiDAR Mapping

With the introduction of LiDAR payloads for drones, ACR Tech can provide high quality survey grade LiDAR datasets for multiple applications.  We can even provided a colorized point cloud.

LiDAR has multiple advantages when compared to photogrammetry.  Since LiDAR technology produces light to capture data, it is not affected by weather conditions in the same manner as photogrammetry.  LiDAR can also penetrate small spaces between foliage to produce accurate ground models beneath heavy foliage.

UAV details

All flight operations are conducted in accordance with Transport Canada regulations.  ACR Tech utilizes advanced telemetry views to ensure safe operation of the UAV while in flight.

Photogrammetry vs LiDAR

Below are two cross section views, one capture by photogrammetry, and the other captured with LiDAR.

Use the slider to compare the two datasets.

From the example dataset above, the LiDAR was able to produce a true ground model in the vegetated areas.  The photogrammetry was only able to capture the top of the vegetation whereas the LiDAR was able to penetrate the small spaces left open to generate a return from the ground.


Still undecided on whether LiDAR of photogrammety is right for your project?  Please feel free to contact us and we can help you in deciding what is best for your project.